Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Starting Slowly

I have to say that today was a struggle. New Year's Day brings up memories of watching the Rose Parade and filling out a new calendar with my mom, adding all my friends/relatives birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It was always fun looking at the year to come and using new markers and making little cartoons/pictures for certain dates/events. Yesterday I watched the Rose Parade on my own and I haven't had a wall calendar for years now. A lot of the football games have been moved to cable so I didn't really watch anything.  I went to bed early and had bad dreams most of the night. Woke up to an icy rain and fell back asleep on the couch while watching the morning news. I did turn off the TV and read for a bit, played some games on my phone, and attempted to make an appointment with the mechanic to fix my car, but he's backed up from the holidays so I probably can't get the car in until the weekend.

I did do some cleaning, and helped Eric's mom print out some forms on her printer. I made an okay dinner and plan on getting a good night's sleep.

I understand that some days are going to be harder than others and that we're only 2 days into this new year so I can't get everything done immediately.

At least I blogged!

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