Monday, January 7, 2019

Let's Get It Started

I had the first week of 2019 "off", now I'm ready to get at it. I got my car back this morning and it's driving very nicely. I'll start taking passengers for Lyft tomorrow morning during rush hour. I also started unpacking boxes across the hall. Some of them I hadn't unpacked since 2005. I found some old friends, some things I thought were lost, and a whole lot of memories. The cats were a little scared, but they are dealing with the changes well.

One of my greatest finds was two recipe boxes.

One from my grandparents (on my Mom's side), and one from my Mom. It's filled with handwritten, typed, clipped from magazines, picked up in stores and other recipes. There is no way I am parting with those. I'm actually thinking of putting them together in a book of some sort. One day when I have more time to go through all of the recipes, I'll probably even try a few of them and compile them into some sort of order and see what happens from there.

I also found some things I didn't realize I had, including a set of Star Wars: Phantom Menace figurines, a Jessica Rabbit doll, a Cubs Barbie, a bunch of green army men in a jar, and a hatchet. Found some framed pictures as well. In the days before Instagram and Snapchat and Facebook there were framed photos and loose photos and photo albums. I also found a few Christmas ornaments that I'll be proud to hang on my tree next year.

This weekend we're gonna try and sell some things on eBay, Craigslist, etc. Just to see what happens and to maybe supplement my income even more. I am ready to let go of things, reduce the clutter. Share my enjoyment with others.

It's been a good day of memories and I look forward to unearthing some more.

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