Sunday, November 8, 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge--Day 6--Someone who fascinates you and why

I just looked up the definition of fascinating (fascinate) and it says "extremely interesting or charming" which I believe is selling it a bit short. I would think that would be admiring rather than fascinating, because if  that's the definition then I find lots of people fascinating.  Now another definition I found of "fascinate" was to attract and hold attentively by a unique power, personal charm,unusual nature, or some other special quality; enthrall and that's more of what I think of when asked about someone who fascinates me. But I'm going to name a general group of people who fascinate me because it was the first thing that popped into my head when this subject was listed and you should always go with your first instinct or feeling (or so I've been told).

The group of people I find fascinating is those people who choose to run for President of the United States. (Now, I will say I keep my politics very private so if I mention someone specific, it does not mean that he/she holds my same political view---I am just using them as an example.)  So why this group of people? Because I couldn't imagine a worse job. How can you have such an ego to believe that you can run the country and decide for EVERYONE what the rules should be? You have to be a complete narcissist, yet hide that to think of the betterment of everyone rather than just yourself. You have to have a thick skin to deal with all the negativity and you can't let all the positive comments go to your head either. I don't think that's how the Founding Fathers started out thinking about this position but that's what it has become. Ronald Reagan made sense to me because he was an actor, Al Gore was brave enough to tell people that he invented the internet. Donald Trump is running because nothing is more important to him than Donald Trump. Sure, somewhere--deep down, these people want to help, think that they can make the country a better place than the last President did and they have great speech writers who allow them to say the words that they think we want to hear. Why do you think Hillary stood by Bill Clinton after he was messing around with anything wearing a skirt? It was because it was a power move for her. If she had left him, she wouldn't have been as powerful (in some people's eyes) and then she couldn't go try to be President herself.

I'm just fascinated by these types of people. I'm fascinated by the fact that they want to do it...I'm fascinated by the fact that some of them do do it, and I'm fascinated by the process they have to go through to do it.  They all do have their own form of unique power, personal charm, unusual nature or some other special quality. They don't exactly enthrall me but they do make me pause and think.

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