Thursday, November 5, 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge--Day 5--A Place You Would Live, But Have Never Visited

There are lots of places I would live that I have never visited. I think number one on the list would be Italy. I love "Under the Tuscan Sun" and would love to have an adventure like that. I've also heard great things about Italy, the different regions, the different all sounds wonderful to me. I would also live in New Zealand. The pictures I have seen are gorgeous! Also, my ancestry is from Norway so I would live there. I'd have to learn the language but I think I could do that. I would have to be near water though so I probably wouldn't head to the desert.

It's funny to think of living in a place I've never visited, but I have to say that the first time I went to England, I fell in love. I could have stayed there with no problems. It's also a bit strange because I was always seen as someone who didn't like change. My parents didn't take me on a trip to Hawaii when I was younger because I said I preferred being at home. But in my lifetime, I have moved an average of every 2 and a half years, sure some were within the same state, but it was still uprooting and starting new.

When I met my current boyfriend I said I would never move to California, yet, here I am. I had only been to Los Angeles once, on a business trip before, never been to Pasadena or Hollywood for that matter, and now I have lived in both. I also thought I would never live in Florida, but I lived there for a bit. I wasn't a big fan of it, but that's the nice thing about how we live these days. You can easily move from place to place. No covered wagons, not much disease and you can be in a different country in a matter of hours. It's exciting discovering new places. There are always new restaurants to eat at, new places to travel to, new people to meet.  I think home is a place where you feel comfortable not necessarily a geographic location.

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