Monday, January 4, 2010

Entangled Already

So it is January 4th and I still have 145 pages of my first book to read. I will probably not reach my goal of 2 books this week. I do have a little leeway, but as someone who likes to achieve my goals, I am getting frustrated that it may not happen. Am I breaking my resolution so soon? No, just having to take a bit more time. "The Age of Entanglement" is a little bit of a tougher read than I thought. I can't just read a page, or a chapter and then move on. It's causing me to think about what the author is saying, wonder about quarks and electrons and nuclei and all these famous dead scientists and physicists arguing about what reality is. On the train this morning, there was a passage about poison and a cat in a box and some atomic reaction that may or may not happen and how the cat was in the superposition of both life and death, depending on if the box was really a box in the first place. Ummmm......ok, come on, you have to think about that! Plus now, work has started back up and I have to spend 8 hours doing my job. My commute on the train is only about 20 minutes, which gives me a chance to knock out a few pages or a chapter, but not much more than that.

I probably could have or should have started with the fiction book, but I'm glad I gave myself a challenge. I will not back down. A couple of times Eric has said "if you don't like it, you don't have to finish it." It's not that I don't like the book, I am finding it interesting, I am just having a more difficult time than I thought getting through it. It's not that I don't understand what I am reading, I's just that this book is one that makes you stop and ponder. But I cannot stop and I will not stop. I am hoping to be finished with this book by tomorrow night. I will let you know and give my full review at that time.

1 comment:

  1. ...there was a passage about poison and a cat in a box and some atomic reaction that may or may not happen and how the cat was in the superposition of both life and death, depending on if the box was really a box in the first place...

    Oy vey...I think I'll pass on this book. I think my brain is bleeding!
