Sunday, August 16, 2009

Simply The Best

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Why? Because I got to enjoy the Wisconsin State Fair I had enjoyed since my childhood and share it with a man I love. I also got to eat great food! But the true reason I enjoyed it so much is because it was a simple pleasure. It cost money, but not much. We ate, we looked at animals, we looked at homemade pies, homegrown flowers, and home photography that's not for sale at an art fair for an exorbitant price. All the people there are interested in the same thing, enjoying good food, playing some carnival games, and simple pleasures with family, friends and loved ones.

I love simple things. I find they make me happier than other, materialistic things. Yes, I enjoy eating out at fancy restaurants on occasion, I have gone on a few cruises, and I have traveled to Europe. But again, the simple pleasures of those trips are what make me happiest. The enjoyment of a good meal, cooked by someone who really cares about what they are making. Reading on the balcony of my cabin while having a day at sea. Walking through Hyde Park in London, watching the little girls on ponies, and the couples walking hand in hand.

I have never had a lot of money and that has probably made me appreciate the simple things a lot more. I take pleasure in sitting on my porch in the morning, watching the sunrise or at night watching a full moon. I would rather take a walk along the beach than live in a fancy house on the beach. I would rather sit quietly, reading a book, with a cat purring by my side, than go to a movie, or a club or shopping.

I take great pleasure in making a meal for people I love, enjoying a burger I've formed by hand and grilled, rather than going to a high-end restaurant for a $5,000 burger made with foie gras.
I absolutely detest eating cheesecake, but I will work for 4 hours making one to give it away just to see the pleasure it brings someone else. One of my favorite movies of all time is "Big Night" with Stanley Tucci and Tony Shaloub. The greatest scene in that movie is also the most simple. It's at the very end of the movie when, after a night of eating and fighting, Stanley Tucci makes a simple omelet for himself, his waiter and his brother. There's no dialog. Just eggs, a pan, a couple of plates and a fork.

I don't need to take expensive vacations. I can travel through books and that doesn't cost a thing. Some of my best trips have been impromptu road trips. The trip I made to the "Field of Dreams" in Iowa, sleeping in the car outside after driving all night to be there and see it covered in a light dusting of snow in the morning. The drive to Canada to stay at a friend's cabin, where you had a refrigerate the food in the stream and hide it from the bears at night. Trail rides on my horse where we would stop to see a deer passing across our path, or laughing when he spooked at a frog.

When I was younger and feeling a little depressed, one of the greatest simple pleasures was walking into the barn and hearing my horse knicker at the sound of my voice. I used to have a horse that would rest her head on my shoulder while I was grooming her. These are the moments that stick with me.

I would have to say I'm happiest in these simple moments. Sitting quietly, reading, watching waves or the sun sparkling on a calm lake. Writing in the morning before anyone else is awake. Lying in bed, next to my boyfriend, gently scratching his back as he falls asleep. Being the first one to walk on fresh snow and hearing it crunch beneath my feet. Taking a motorcycle ride on a curvy, tree-lined road in fall when the leaves are changing. Falling asleep outside under the trees and stars while listening to music. These are the things that mean the most to me. Embrace the simple things because the others are "complicated" or "difficult" for a reason.

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