Monday, February 4, 2019

I Can Breathe Again

The polar vortex of last week is history, the snow is melting, football is over, the birds are building nests on the porch, and I finally feel like I can relax a little bit.

The cold last week really messed up my car again. It wouldn't start, AAA wouldn't come out to jump it, and the electronics were so messed up that my temperature display on the radio was either missing, or stuck at 8 degrees. Since the weather has been warmer for a few days, the car is back to being normal and I was able to pass my emissions test today and get my license plate renewed. I'm being extra careful with the car since the accident and hopefully, except for an oil change, the car has had it's adventures for 2019.

I'm also set for Captain's Class. The class starts in 2 weeks and I'm nervous and excited and ready to work extra hard for this. Thanks again for everyone who helped me out and who continue to believe in me. I'm doing this for all of us. It's also time to get ready for the water taxi season which should be starting soon. I need some new khaki pants, some new undergarments, and maybe some new footwear.

Wednesday it's supposed to be cold and icy so I may just battle my taxes that day. Like I said, I'm being extra careful with the car so any bad, iffy weather means I will probably not drive for Lyft. It's a catch-22 since that's when you can make more money, but I'm not taking any chances.

Just like the groundhog predicting an early Spring, I am ready for the change out of Winter and on to new things.

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