Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rambling Crap

This was supposed to be my assignment many months ago and I'm ashamed that I have let the months pass without writing every day. I do have a new laptop now so there should be no excuses. I have the time, especially since I seem to be suffering from insomnia every night between midnight and 3am. I have the tools. I just need to do it.

This post isn't going to be anything special. Just a few random sentences that have crossed my mind a lot in the past few months. Perhaps they will grow into something. Perhaps they will stay a sentence forever. I don't know. I just know that it's important for me to write. As I'm getting older, I realize that I need to do something with my thoughts, my active mind, and honestly, my talent. I may not be a J.K. Rowling or even a Gertrude Stein, but who's to say I'm not. And if I don't try, I can't possibly ever achieve something. So anyway, here are the few sentences. I have a short story partially written as well, but the sane side of me is telling me that if I want to be a functioning adult at work tomorrow, I can hold that off for another time.

"I just want to lay my head against your shoulder, close my eyes, and pretend, for just a moment that everything is going to be alright."

"He locks the door as soon as she leaves in the morning. She wonders if it's to keep her out. He wonders if it's to keep the secrets in."

"As she listened to the last stanza of the last poem at the last reading ever to be held at her bookstore, warmth enveloped her and she finally felt at peace."

"That extra nanosecond of contact between their fingers seemed longer to her than her entire life."

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