Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Project Dean--Day 2 (and a half)

The workout on Saturday went well. It had been about 3 months since I had been to the gym, so I was proud of myself for being able to do a mile and a half on the treadmill in about 40 minutes. My ankle started to twinge just a little bit (not an excuse, just the truth) so I didn't want to push it and stopped at that point. I wasn't too sore afterwords, except walking back up the stairs to our apartment when my knee protested that it hadn't moved that much in awhile.

Then came Sunday. I was planning on going grocery shopping and then hitting the gym, but ended up only going grocery shopping. But, in my defense, I did walk around the grocery store, then loaded all the groceries in the car (lifting), and also helped Eric carry the groceries upstairs so that was a mini-workout. Then, I made beef stew so I was lifting my rather heavy cast iron skillet a couple of times to clean it, brown the meat and then clean it again. I also stood to peel potatoes and carrots (arm exercise) and to chop the vegetables.  So I'm going to give myself half a workout for that. I figure that ANYTHING that gets me off the couch is something that's worth doing.

Yesterday I went back to work, where, as promised, I took the stairs at the train station. I was surprised at how out of breath I was when I walked out of the station, but figure that by the end of the week I'll be better at it, and by the end of the month, the stairs will be an afterthought and I'll be able to breathe normally.  I also ate better at work yesterday. I had a yogurt for breakfast, a granola bar for a snack and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch. I also danced do the beginning of the BCS Championship Game, so that was a little workout at well.

I'm getting there. Slowly, but again, movement is better than no movement.

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