Thursday, October 15, 2009


I just noticed that I haven't contributed to my blog in almost a month. That's terrible! I have an entire list of things that I want to blog about and now that I'm not spending 3 hours a day commuting in the car to work, I should have more time to write. So I guess I had better sit down and get some serious writing done. Of course, this isn't going to be one of those times. This time, because I haven't done it in so long, is going to be a rant. Just random thoughts I've had over the past week and things that I truly believe I need to get off my chest.

First of all, I am suffering from panic attacks again. I have had one every day for the past week from 11 am to 1pm. Mainly lunch hour panic. I'm not panicked about lunch. I'm working downtown, which I really enjoy. It gives me more time to read now that I'm letting the train engineer do the driving. I also am getting exercise by walking back and forth to the train station. So, why am I panicking? I wish I knew, but I know I need to get over it! I am almost 40 years old. Maybe that's it. The other ones started before I turned 30. They're not bad this time, just inconvenient. So, I need to either write to get rid of my thoughts, or I should visit my doctor and see if there is some physical reason for them. But I'm not wasting any more time writing about them or focusing on them.

Next, why do people start celebrating holidays so early? When I got off the train on Monday morning and was walking across the street, the sidewalk in front of our office building was blocked by men on big cranes putting CHRISTMAS LIGHTS on the trees! It's not even Halloween yet! Now I will say that they took two days to put them up but they have not lit them yet, so I will cut them a little slack. Also, it's probably more reasonable to put up the lights when it's 50 degrees and raining, rather than when it's cold and icy or snowing. But I think nowadays holidays are rushed. Halloween candy starts showing up in the store before Labor Day, as soon as that is gone there will be Christmas decorations up. We kind of just skip over Thanksgiving now. I remember when I was younger, it was a big deal on the day after Thanksgiving to head downtown because the stores opened at 9AM...a whole hour earlier than usual. It was also the day that Marshall Field's revealed their holiday windows. NOW, stores open up at 3, 4 or 5 am. Hell, K-Mart is even open on Thanksgiving Day. Mickey Mouse and his pals come to Chicago and light the lights on Michigan Avenue in the middle of November. And I guarantee you that as soon as December 26th hits, you can go to Walgreen's and pick out your Valentines. What ever happened to celebrating a holiday during the month in which it occurs. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all happen at the end of their respective months. I would think that 3 or 4 weeks is plenty of time to get ready. Too much and you end up getting sick of it. I used to travel to London every November. Usually the first week in November, and since they don't celebrate Thanksgiving there, I understand their need to have Christmas decorations up early. Although Harrod's is taking it a bit far, by putting up their Christmas displays in June. But I want the Macy's parade to be the first time I see Santa Claus. And to all of you people who refuse to take down your decorations on the outside of your house because you put them up in November and don't want to take them down in February, you should be fined! You don't have to throw out your tree on the 26th, but I think all Christmas decorations should be down by Super Bowl Sunday.

This posting ended up being shorter than I thought it was going to be, and I can live with that.

I could rant about so many more things, like the fact that we were all emotionally sucked into the story of the little boy supposedly lost in the balloon today, only to find out that he was hiding in the attic and that they had been on "Wife Swap." Or the fact that my female cat is a traitor. Or how for the first time in my football pool I voted against my Dolphins and they won! Or I could write about music, or the fact that I am secretly a technology geek. I could write about how I can deal with the fact that my cat snores, but I can't deal with the fact that my boyfriend does. I could write about my new iPhone and the cool Apps that are on it. But I won't. I'm going to save all those things to write about at a different time. That will force me to keep coming back and writing. I am sorry I have neglected this and I won't let it happen again.

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