Once again it's been awhile and I'm not even going to come up with excuses or promise that I'll write more often, because obviously I don't write as much in here as I'd like to or as I should. I suppose I should just write when the moment feels right and not worry so much about it.
It's hot here in Chicago, been in the 90's to upper 80's most of the past 4 days now and more humid than I think I ever experienced while living in Florida. I'm not complaining though, I've spent the weekend on the couch, watching golf, grabbing things for FarmVille on Facebook and having a severe case of the munchies. Yesterday I munched on several different boxes of mini cereals, some miniature Reese's peanut butter cups, a few Tootsie Roll pops, some Entemann's doughnuts and a pint of Ben & Jerry's chocolate ice cream. It's that glorious time of the month for me and my cramps were severe yesterday which for some reason, made me extremely hungry. Today, the munchies linger, but we're out of munching food and I can't decide whether or not to get in the car myself or send Eric to the store to get potato chips, Dove chocolates with caramel and some more ice cream! I know I shouldn't be munching on any of those things, but sometimes you just have to munch.
As for the Monchichi's--I don't know why but a few months ago when Eric was rubbing my legs after a long day at work, it felt so nice that I babbled something about monchichi's. Why that came up? I don't know. Then, of course, I had to sing the whole song for him, which he had never heard...and then proceed to show him pictures of the cute and cuddly little monkey children who suck their thumbs. I don't believe I ever even owned a Monchichi of my own. It's kind of weird how some things pop back into your head after so many years. Now"MONCHICHI!" has become an exclamation of pure joy around here, and sometimes we say sad, quiet, "monchichi's" when something hurts, accompanied by a pouting lower lip.
I'm just grateful that tomorrow the cramps will be gone, the munchies will be history, and hopefully I will come up with better ideas for my blog postings than this silly nonsense. Next weekend will be our summer weekend at Ravinia. Counting Crows on Saturday and Crosby, Stills & Nash and Sunday. That should be something to write about.